Tuesday 14 May 2024



This blog today entitled CEILING is about bringing out what life truly is, and about

understanding the inner nature of all life humanity included. What exactly is 

compressed Eternity? And how does it INVITE LIFE into its NUMEN Gateway?

These fundamental questions that explain the true inner nature and identity of

what life actually is will be fully explained in this blog today. LIFE the word means

Living-Intelligent-Focused-Energy, so LIFE is Energy that is intelligent , where does

this intelligent energy  come from? All universal intelligent energy is a product of

Absolute thought from within Absolute MIND. LIFE is a relative expression of

Eternal SPIRIT. For Eternal unborn Spirit to become a temporal relative life formation

it needs to become LOCALIZED into the relative space time continuum of this 

relative universe, and this is done by removing the essence of SPIRIT from its 

omnipresent ubiquitous  stateless state into a super compressed singularity vortex

which thereby "LOCALIZES ETERNITY" into a relative cohesive energy bundle

which we can call life. This whole relative universe is a visible representation of the

invisible eternal NOUMENON, which is Absolute Spirit Intelligence . Humanity

is that localized eternity bundle being  expressed by a KOSHIC covered vehicle we call

a human body. We each have deep within our core matrix an  Absolute eternal connecting

ATOM which anchors us firmly in the eternal place of ATONEMENT. CEILING is 

about understanding what life really is, which is SPIRIT compressed and localized into

this space time continuum wearing a physical biological machine vehicle body. Outwardly

we are relative life entities, inwardly "WE" are all Eternal UNBORN Divine SPIRIT,

here gathering experiences of relative life.

warmest regards michael.

kirkpatrickmichael17@gmail.com any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then pleae pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

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