Saturday 11 May 2024


This blog today entitled PSI is about that which is within us all, and also occupying

every square inch of the space within this universe. This occupying PRESENCE that 

is not only infinite in its limitless reach , but is also omnipresent and ubiquitous in its

universal PRESENCE. This Sequenced PRESENCE is that of Divine Intelligent energy

that fully occupies all life universally , every atom in our bodies, every cell that enables

our life to flourish is fully embraced by this awesome PRESENCE. Not only are we 

completely immersed within the embrace of this invisible presence , we can in humanity

actually make conscious contact with this Divine Spirit Presence. When we can go 

within ourselves and take up meditation or yoga , we can then with some practice begin

to enter into a deep inner silence within ourselves, when we do this and are able to cease

all our thoughts , here in the vital silence and stillness of being , we can begin to make

conscious contact with this inner PRESENCE. Automatically when our inner silence has

been established , we will begin to hear the inner voice of our INTUITION , our

intuition is the inner DOORWAY that leads to conscious contact with your very

own personal GURU. We then move away from  the lower self which is just the ego

and personality, and begin to awaken into our higher SELF which is the home of the

PRESENCE. The Presence becomes your higher self , which  is that  of Divine Spirit

Energy. When we make conscious contact with our higher self it reveals that we have

been hidden away from  fully understanding who we really are by a thick blanket of

ignorance that hides our true immortal divine spiritual nature. By looking deeply 

within ourselves and making conscious contact with that PRESENCE , we are 

awakened out of ur ignorance and begin to uncover what wisdom and truth lie behind

this veil of ignorance. We are then on our way to enlightenment and full inner Knowing.

warmest regards michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks

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