Sunday 5 May 2024



This blog today entitled LASER-BEAM is about outlining a process that reveals

that there is only ONE THING that is REAL and this ONE THING is SPIRIT

which takes two aspects of expressed MOTIONALITY and STILLNESS. All

life is spirit being expressed within KOSHIC sheaths which keep the spirit essence

from coming  into contact with gross matter. The LASER BEAM effect is to 

"HIGH-LIGHT" and precisely pin point the reality of what we call life, and

what this universe actually represents. We need to try and understand that the only

thing that is real is SPIRIT, no other thing exists or is present anywhere in this 

universe or any other multi verse. The only  ONE Eternal CONSTANT is SPIRIT

ALONE. All the countless trillions of "other things" we see, touch, taste, smell, 

hear, are in truth all the same ONE THING, which is Spirit infinitely replicating

itself all over this universe. We have the invisible NOUMENON which is unclothed

zero KOSHIC elemental covered  purity of BEING. Then we have the phenomenon

which is spirit covered over by five KOSHIC sheaths . All the universal elements

are that of spirit condensed into intelligent energy. Their job is to provide the 

intelligent energy the clothing of KOSHC sheaths for all life that manifests or 

rather emerges out from the invisible NOUMENON. When mankind can fully know

who and what ii really is , then a grand awakening will take place. All of humanity

has the apex point awareness of being SELF AWARE . We all have the ability to

look within and see what lies deep within or core matrix of being. LASER BEAM

is about shining a bright focused beam of light upon our inner being and revealing

the shadow within that hides our true immortal Divine nature.

warmest regards michael any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

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