Friday 17 May 2024



This blog today entitled SELF is about some insights I have experienced with 

synchronicities over the past fifty years, and the ideas that surface regarding this

phenomenon. There is a distinct parallel between that of Quantum entanglement 

and that of the phenomenon of synchronicities , this whole universe is one infinite

field of total connectivity between all universal energies and all atoms and particles

which means that this entire universe is just ONE connecting FIELD only, and

everything in the FIELD is 100% entangled with ALL.

Within our subconscious mind we raise ideas and deep seated wishes. Here we need

to understand that in truth there is but ONE MIND,  in this universe, and we all tune

into this one mind , there is no such a thing as my mind or your mind. So deep 

within us we have a desire , unconsciously we brood on this desire and lo and behold

"out of the blue" this hidden desire is surfaced into your present localized space in

this time continuum. I believe that this inner subconscious desire sets out a focused

field of our desire . This sets up a localized spiral eddy vortex which brings about a 

fruition of that desire , we then experience this as an synchronisation of our hearts felt

desire. Many of us have personally experienced this localization field that materializes

our deep desires, It is said that synchronicities are the universes answer showing you

that you are on the right path, and keep on going. It shows also that we are never fully

alone, there is an invisible PRESENCE  within and around us all. SELF is about realizing

that our deep seated wishes and desires can and are fulfilled by this phenomenon of  this

synchronistic event. We are all hopelessly entangled  with this whole universe and we are

all embraced by the PRESENCE  of universal MIND. Synchronicities are that MIND

becoming localized in your presented physical body on Earth,

warmest regards michael any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.


  1. Hello there, I see that you have made this
    post 1 day ago. I am writing this to tell you about a sequence of events that have happened to me very recently.

    1 - something triggered me to think about the earthquake that happened in my country(Turkey) recently and I came to the conclusion that this earthquake must have happened for metaphysical reason's (because it is said to be an earthquake which happens only once every 1000 years and it happend on the 100th year of the republic to a very hated party) and that because in my opinion god wouldn't care about the number 100 or a small country in a small world this must have been done by people. Also this must have been done metaphysically as there is no technology that would make this possible otherwise.
    2 - because of these conclusions that people have the ability to influence the physical world metaphysically I decided that I must try my best to obtain this ability myself. so coming from a science background I decided on a test to get rid of a mole on my body. If I got rid of it then the method worked and if I didn't than the method was incorrect.
    3- After some time trying and failing I was frustrated and decided to look online for some insights on how this could be done.
    4- The first place I looked was spirtual forums and I was almost led to your post on spiritual forums about the mole. To the point where I followed the blog and found this point on syncronicity.

    Seeing as your post predates the events that I have listed then I can only conclude that it was you who initiated the cause and somehow that found a trigger within me. It led me to the point in finding this post on syncronicity.

  2. Blessings anonymous you live in Turkey I gather, I would like to be able to
    more into this with you if you want to.It can be very private you can email
    me. my email address is at the bottom of all my blogs, My best wishes
    and MERHABA to you.
