Monday 20 May 2024



Todays blog entitled OCCULT is about this universe and its inner workings that

permit the perfection of Absolute MIND to become portrayed into an infinite 

diverse ways of expression. The word OCCULT has several meanings, here in this

blog it means, "that which is hidden in plain sight" "mysterious and super-normal"

there in nothing "SINISTER" about this , all operates within natural divine 

universal law. All life universally is being expressed in multi diverse ways. so that

the FULL SPECTRUM of experiences can be obtained. We may well ask what is

the purpose of all this experiencing? That is a good question! The answer lies in 

understanding what LIFE actually consists of, and why it becomes presented upon

this stage of relativity. The OCCULT understanding penetrates deeply into the matrix

of what life  universally actually IS, and when looked into life at infinite depth what

do we find? We find Absolute Intelligent SPIRIT eternal and omnipresent consciousness.

The localized truth is that all life being presented upon the stage of relativity within

this universe is that of a Temporal localized vibratory phenomenon which we call life.

LIFE is that of Living-Intelligent-Focused-Energy , so we can then understand that all

life universally is that of localized into this space time continuum Divine SPIRIT 

ENERGY formed and shaped into a physical expression and localized within a 

relative ;point in this continuum. In our case human beings we are all localized upon

this planet Earth  being presented within five KOSHIC sheaths of dimensional awareness

layers .Outwardly we all our biological machines vehicles with a biological computer

the brain, that is the outer representation, but inwardly there is the OCCULT MATRIX

of who you really are, which is that of an immortal divine SPIRIT, here gathering 

tangible experiences of relative life, and also waking up into your real IDENTITY.

warmest regards michael any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

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