Thursday 16 May 2024



This blog today entitled IS-REAL is about how this whole universe is a product of

THOUGHT and that the THOUGHT that manifested this Absolute Ideation had the

aim of bringing out motional KOSHIC  clad SPIRIT BEING portrayed as a thing

called LIFE. The well known AXIOM of "THOUGHTS ARE THINGS" become 

very clear and totally mind blowing when we finally realize that this entire universe

is a  PRODUCT of ABSOLUTE MIND within Absolute SOURCE of all there is.

A HELD intention sequence keeps this whole universe in one harmonic perfection.

Even m ore amazing is to then realize that this intention thought sequence is still

currently running after billions of years !! When the intention sequence ceases, this

universe will vanish in a microsecond, as though it had never been.

The full sequence of this thought wave  is revealed in our understanding of evolution,

the infinite diversity of expressed life . When we are mindful that all life is that of 

eternal spirit being clothed in a relative bubble of motioning vibratory energy, we 

call life. SPIRIT is disguised as life and pursued infinite experiences of varying 

motional expressions, all our that of infinite energy,. Relativity could be seen as that

of  LOCALIZED ETERNITY" within a bubble of ideation sphere of which we call

a universe. Within this infinite bubble of motioning energy  all life moves and has its

being. We within humanity have arrived at an apex point in our evolutionary cycle 

and can see the power of thought and realize that each one of us are the product of

that thought , in fact we are the THINGS that have been born out of that original

thought billions of years ago.. Knowing ourselves fully will reveal fully who and what

we really are, which of course in ETERNAL IMMORTAL SPIRIT.

warmest regards michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks

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