Wednesday 22 May 2024



This blog today entitled DESPAIR is about times in our lives when we 

experience these times of DESPAIR and inner foreboding, that we search for

the answer to our anguished state. I have had many such acquaintances in my

personal life, and found by trial and error that prayer , the act of inner seeking 

an answer for our despair by turning to an inner higher power that dwells 

deep within us all. This looking within for the answer to our state  of being 

can be and has been most rewarding in my experiences. I am sharing this today

because there are many of us who are in this despairing state this very day, so

I want to send out a beacon of hope that will quell the sea of despair that is 

within you right now. Over fifty years ago I  found out through meditation that

we each have our own personal GURU within us, who is a master of wisdom and

loving patience. This inner guru is your inner INTUITION which is an inbuilt

faculty in every human being, your intuition is that "still small inner voice" which

offers words of comfort to you when you are in a crisis situation. By looking within

for the answer to our woes and worries we will build up a connection of contact to

this invisible helper. We may feel alone and despairing , but this holy PRESENCE

of our intuition is always there 24/7, all we need is to turn our gaze inward and seek 

out this inner intelligence that dwells within us all. Please be AWARE that this in NOT

a THEORY.   but REAL on this day, it is a proven FACT. that has guided me and 

millions of others over the years. And it will help you too dear reader of this blog .

if you look within and make conscious contact with your intuition In the middle 

of the night when you are alone take hope for within YOURIGHT NOW is a Divine

inner POWER called your intuition that will help you when needed and contacted.

warmest regards michael any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

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