Wednesday 29 May 2024



This blog today entitled IDEA is about the immense power that lies within our

inbuilt INTUITION. The Intuition faculty that lies within all of humanity is a 

hidden invisible DOORWAY that leads to an awakening of our Divine Spiritual

Heritage. How do we tune into this most wonderful and powerful tool that lies 

deep within us all?  The easiest way to tune into our INTUITION is to go within

ourselves and take up the regular daily practice of meditation or yoga. To enter

into that inner silence , here we need to listen into that inner silence , we need to

let go of all thoughts , this takes practice , but if we persist daily we will eventually 

be able to sit still without thoughts, when this happens we will begin to become 

aware of an inner PRESENCE within us. This inner Presence will be your 

intuition beginning to stir within you . The word INTUITION means literally

to "BE TAUGHT FROM WITHIN" so who is this teacher within us who will

teach us?? This teacher emerges out from your intuition as your very own PERSONAL

GURU!   Which will become you GUIDE to inner knowing and deep understanding

of who and what you really  are. Our intuition GURU will provide a firm anchorage

for your Divine being to fully become awake within your SELF.

INTUITION will teach you that you are not here to learn anything particular, but

you are here to UNCOVER  from  the layers of ignorance that blanket and veil

our full knowing of our Divine Heritage. All wisdom and understanding will be

uncovered from within your HIGHER SELF. By going within and entering into

that inner silence , your awareness and consciousness will be greatly expanded. The

IDEA will dawn upon your becoming fully alive and awakened.

warmest regards michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it ont your family and friends Thanks.

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