Sunday 26 May 2024



This blog today entitled LISTEN-UP is about the way Life is expressed within this

universe and also to fully reveal the true immortal inner nature of what life actually is,

so that we can all fully understand who and what we all truly are. The word LIFE means

that of Living-Intelligent-Focused-Energy, that is the inner meaning and essence of that

which is presented upon  the stage of expression , which in our case is planet Earth.

So if the essence of life is that of Intelligent Focused Energy we need to then ask who

or what is the Primal FOCUSER ?  What is its hidden nature? Here we come to the

point  of recognition and the inner knowing of what LIFE actually consists of. We know

that humanity is presented  in a three fold presentation , which is physical, mental. and

spiritual , so we are physical beings with a mentality and a brain , and also we are 

spiritual beings . When we can fully understand our presentation sequence here on Earth.

Then we can begin to look within ourselves and seek out our hidden inner nature. When

we begin this journey of SELF KNOWING, we will  begin to uncover from within 

layers of ignorance that lie like a thick blanket within us, that we are indeed spiritual

beings which means if followed logically that if we are then spiritual beings it must

follow then that we are all in essence that of  Eternal Spirit. Which if we all venture

deeply within ourselves we will then  be confronted with this reality. We will plainly 

see that we have two selves, one is that of the lower self mind ego and personality,

memory based self, and the other higher self which is your true Immortal Divine SELF,

We will then plainly see that we are all Spirit Divine Beings presented here on Earth

to gather experiences of tangible lifer, and to wake up fully and KNOW your TRUE


warmest regards michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resoates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

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