Sunday 19 May 2024



This blog today entitled FOLDED is about LIFE and this universe , which is the

cradle of all expressed diversified life. As William SHAKESPEARE once said 

"this world is but a stage and we are all the players". To further add to that rather

this whole universe is the stage and presented life are the experiencers of this 

life force embodiment of Divine Spirit essence , infinite fields of expressions of

life all over this infinite universe.  Each one of these infinite expressions of life all

make their mark upon this universal stage lot called life. To peer more deeply into

the nature of life and to ask the question of what is it exactly? If we break down the

word LIFE and see what it reveals, it shows that life means, LIVING-INTELLIGENT-

-FOCUSED-ENERGY, so the essence of life is that of intelligent energy that is

focused and living. To understand this word LIVING we need to think of ATOMIC

VIBRATION this whole universe is in perpetual motion which moves at the rate of

1044 vibrations per second, flashing in and out of existence. This intelligent energy 

which is that of ABSOLUTE MIND manifests infinite diversity all over this infinite

universe . The reason for this diversity is for that Absolute Intelligence can experience

countless trillions of perpetual experiences all at once SIMULTANEOUSLY throughout

the entire universe. Infinite fields of multi dimensional expressions, this planet EARTH 

is only an ATOM of the full universal spectrum  of diverse life formations. Humanity

has had its own localized evolutionary cycle here on planet Earth . We have all crawled

out of the slime mould of primordial life intelligence  into SELF AWARE I AM

consciousness. We now know ourselves , when we look deeper into our self we will

find that Divine SPIRIT intelligence looking back at us, and saying welcome HOME

weary traveller, you can now consciously EXIT STAGE LEFT!!!!

warmest regards michael any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization,

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

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