Sunday 12 May 2024



This blog today entitled ICES is about how the whole of this universal expression

is being rolled out in what seems to be an infinite CIRCLE . What we call evolution

is a good example of this, the word evolution means literally that which evolves, 

opening out, expanding, growing, If we look at humanity all eight billion of us we

will see that we all evolve through billions of years in just nine months until we are

born. Human embryogenesis recreates millions of years of evolution, when we were

reptiles, and all manner of other life forms in only nine months. This whole universe

is in an infinite circle of expanded growth. The manifestation of this universe was

THOUGHT INTO BEING by Absolute MIND, "WE" all were SPIRIT in the 

beginning, then life which is motioning spirit was plunged into chaos and began a

circular route of expression that will take endless AEONS  to complete. Humanity 

is at the APEX POINT in our evolution where we have Self Aware I AM Consciousness.

Mankind can look within and reveal his/her latent Divinity that lives within us all. 

We will realize that he/she is GOD/Self/Spirit in human form, we are all heading for 

grander expressions beyond mere humanity, as we awaken into cosmic consciousness 

and awaken into a KUNDALINI experience and full self knowing. But what about 

the rest of life? What about the insects, birds, reptiles, fish, whales, dolphins, what 

happens to all  these living life forms? I truly believe that all life including the insects

will all eventually reach human evolution. And if that is so then this planet and universe

has billions of more years of evolution to move into before all expressions complete

the FULL ABSOLUTE CIRCLE of expression and evolution.

warmest regards michael any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

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