Friday 10 May 2024



This blog today entitled SEPTUM  is about before there was any life or existence

before this universe was born aloft a Primordial thought INTENTION wave within

Absolute MIND , before any motion (atomic vibration)  or space existed, before 

darkness and light were born ,before energy and consciousness had awakened, there

was NO THING  in Existence or ALIVE.  The word SEPTUM meaning in this blog

means that of a membrane that separates the Absolute stateless state of the Eternal

Absolute MIND, and the membrane that divides the two states of Absolute and 

relativity which came online when this universe was born.

Before there was any motion (atomic vibration)  or Absolute Thought  there was 

just  the PRECOSMIC stateless state of Absolute BEING. Here all was eternally 

motionlessness and ever still , there was only the Absolute Singularity of the SELF 

SHINING Absolute SELF. Life and existence were as yet UNBORN. Absolute MIND

SPIRIT beyond human comprehension and imagination. Absolute eternal stillness , zero

light,  or darkness. ONE SINGULAR Absolute Spirit SELF, Intangible absolute 

intelligence and all wisdom. A centre POINT in an infinity and boundless space less

space. This was the PRECOSMIC stateless state. Then within that Absolute MIND 

there arose an INTENTION Thought WAVE which was that Primordial thought wave 

that gave birth to this relative universe. Then the SEPTUM  was formed that manifested

a membrane barrier that separated the Absolute from the relative universe. Here then

when Involution had completed its out rolling of universal principles , a short pause,

and then evolution began, then life and existence were born aloft this Primordial  thought

intention wave along with light and darkness and endless energy, with the birth of

consciousness  and awareness of being. Today humanity is awake and aware and 

beginning to awaken  to realize their PRECOSMIC place in the ALL MIND of the

SELF Absolute singular MIND.

warmest regards michael any feedback welcomed  Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

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