Friday 24 May 2024


This blog today entitled IMPLY is about how all life in particular us of Humanity

are brought into a living sequence by Absolute Intelligent energy. which is that of 

Eternal SPIRIT the Absolute SOURCE of ALL. IMPLY lays out the way that Divine

Absolute SOURCE becomes super condensed within a singularity vortex and localizes

its essence into this relative space time continuum . Humanity is the outer phenomenal

image of an  inner NOUMENON SOURCE, which is invisible and eternal within each

human  being lies  that most vital connection to the SOURCE of all there is, which is

Absolute Spirit Intelligence. We each have the inner PRESENCE of Divine Spirit 

within each one of us. This inner PRESENCE is the Divine Intelligence that 

localized and condensed itself into a physical human body with the aid and service 

of the Elemental Intelligences which supplied the PRESENCE with the KOSHIC 

sheaths it needed to be able to become a tangible unit of life here on Earth.

All human life is fully connected to SOURCE which  is the PRESENCE  

vouchsafed within us all. This is the "LAW OF LIFE" expression it has nothing

to do with who or what you BELIEVE or not believe , it is important to fully 

understand this universal  LAW of all expressed life universally. All eight billion

human beings have each within them this PRESENCE of DIVINITY , all we need 

to do ,is to look within and make its acquaintance. The PRESENCE is that invisible

inner force that in times of crisis we will hear what is often called "that still small

voice within us" which whispers words of comfort t us. This inner voice is your Divine

connection to the SOURCE of ALL. The PRESENCE is fund within your INTUITION

when we can look within and still our thoughts , we will then make contact with the real

IMMORTAL YOU!  It is our Divine  universal heritage that fully embraces the whole

of Humanity and all life universally.

warmest regards michael any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

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