Friday 3 May 2024



This blog today entitled TOE is about how this relative universe is presented

within  a trinity based expression. A three fold expression which can be expressed

like this; YING-YANG-NEUTRAL-Masculine-Feminine-Neutral-Positive -Negative

Neutral, all life expressed universally is expressed in this three fold trinity based

expression. Two main polarities  surge through humanity being positive and

negative ,and the middle field between  these two polarities which is neutral.

The BUDDHA taught the middle path between these two polarities, no left or

right but in the middle is the way of perfect balance. Mankind although being 

two basic sexes of male and female, both sexes have the other sex  characteristics 

in varying degrees , all male to a degree have a feminine side, and all females have

a degree of masculinity within themselves. All of humanity have both aspects of 

Ying and Yang  within them. When we look deeply within ourselves, and take up

meditation we begin to tune into a deeper level of our presented self. Here when we

still all our thoughts and enter into deep inner silence, we begin to see clearly who

and what we are. The inner silence reveals our true nature, we begin to see how

we behave , are we being honest with our selves? Is our integrity sensitive to all

our actions? Are we at least acquainted  with the virtue of humility?  Are we 

honest to all our family and friends? We will begin to make contact with our 

Higher Self, through opening the inner door of our INTUITION, we then 

become aware of our energy centres the CHAKRAS. When we do that our sensitivity

becomes more acute, If we persist we may even experience a KUNDALINI awakening

here if all  becomes balanced and you have a pure heart chakra , then the divine 

marriage of the two polarities can occur , which brings about the Divine current 

of BLISS, which maybe long lasting or not, depending on your inner state of

being. Balance of the POLES lie within us all.

warmest regards michael any feedback welcomed facebook Soul Realization

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

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