Wednesday 15 May 2024



This blog today entitled AQUA is about how all this universe and everything 

within it all came from ONE ABSOLUTE QUINTESSENCE  of UNIFIED 

ATONEMENT which for short we often call GOD or SOURCE. In the "BEFORE"

there was zero universe, zero life, zero existence, zero space, zero energy, and zero

motion (perpetual atomic vibratory energy). ALL was Absolutely STILL  within 

the Absolute the QUINTESSENCE of Perfect WHOLENESS  within the Absolute 

STILL MIND of the SOURCE within its AWESOME SELF. Life motion and existence

all came online when the Source arose an Intention Thought Wave that caused caused

motion to arise out from absolute motionlessness . This was the primal CAUSELESS

CAUSE that gave birth to this universe and all energy life and existence . All Life

and existence came out of the Eternal UNBORN Spirit of ALL the SOURCE. ALL 

motion/energy arise  from within its Absolute MIND. This universe is 100%  fully ALIVE

all the stars and planets are all alive , all the energy within this universe is that of 

intelligent energy. LIFE and existence are words that describe the visible "APPEARANCE"

of that invisible eternal UNBORN SPIRIT. When we fully understand this eternal immutable

principle , we will see that which is ALL is PRESENT within the ALL and ALL is FROM

that which  is ETERNAL, so all this expressed universe and the totality that is within it, is

also ETERNAL. The idea of death is born out of illusion and ignorance. Human beings

when they die (change venues) leave this planet Earth dense dimension and move into

the far less dense ASTRAL REALMS, and carry on living as before they "DIED"!!!!

All life is eternal , we mistake the human "VEHICLE" for being who we really are, who

we really are is immortal divine SPIRIT UNBORN and ever BEING ETERNAL.

warmest regards michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

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