Thursday 2 May 2024



This blog today entitled EPIC is about how the elemental principles were some of

the first principles released into the newly forming universe after the Involution

sequence had been exhausted, and after a momentary pause, the evolutionary 

sequence began. The elementary principles of Earth-Air-Fire-Water-and the Ethereal

element all uncoiled within the first moments of the evolution cycle. The elements are

the five seed ideation seed packets of Divine consciousness, which are the primary

EMBODIERS of all manifestations within this infinite sphere of the universe.

The five elements represent FIVE FINGERS  of the SOURCE impregnated  

within the universe to FULFILL the SOURCE ideation sequence of infinite diversity

of  expressed life universally.. All life universally is an elemental presentation which

presents the phenomenon the elemental physical and astral expression, while the 

invisible NOUMENON is the Divine Anchor which is a Spirit ATOM  that holds 

the complete living life sequence in perfect coherence. Eventually the five fingers

of the SOURCE will complete the full elemental design with that of TEN FINGERS

of force that will complete the life sequence of this universe. Science has not yet 

discovered these hidden elemental forces yet. They will come online in the distant

now period. EPIC is about understanding that outwardly we are all KOSHIC covered

beings which identifies itself as life. Thereby LIFE is only a temporal phenomenon

it is the inner Spirit ATOM that is the real unborn eternal YOU. Life is limited

and always temporal, while Spirit is eternal and that is what you are now dear

reader of this blog. Life and its twin existence are limited. Spirit is UNLIMITED


warmest regards michael any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you  then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

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