Monday 22 May 2017


In England a polite question to ask when meeting a stranger is 'How do you do?' My thoughts
over the years were always, do what! Why do we never ask a far more pertinent question of who are
you? Where are you? And why are you? All those questions are never asked! Why? Because basically we do not know the answer to these questions. Try an experiment with your family or friends and ask them the question, Who are you? If they do indeed take your question seriously
then what will they say? My guess would be they would say their name, which you already know,
then they would add what they do for a living, saying something like I am a doctor, I have a phd
after my name, and I am, say, British! That, I guess, would be the sum total of their understanding
as to who they actually ARE!
If we inquire into ourselves and ask the question, who am I, who is this within me asking that
question? Do we ever bother to find out? The answer to that question in the majority is no, we do not
ever ask who we are. We are too busy being fascinated and hypnotised  by bright lights and diva activities which seem to grab the headlines, when stories of children being starved to death or  blown up make only the inner pages. That's  how  sick things are in this world.
Unless we encounter a crisis in our life, we will never find the action required to look within. We will
remain mesmerised by constantly looking outside of ourselves for answers to the questions of where
can I find happiness and joy?
True happiness and joy can only be found  within you. Within you, joy and happiness are real and
bubble up from the real self, the soul, that lies deep within you, buried by the ego. Any  joy you think
you find outside of yourself will be plastic and will eventually turn to ashes in your mouth!
John the Baptist replied, when asked who he was, with the refrain, "I am a voice crying out in the
wilderness." Many of us can identify with that remark.
Most of us humans will never look within ourselves unless we are literally brought to our knees by
an arising serious crisis in our life.When your life is on the line and you wonder will I die or survive,then when brought to our knees, and feeling hopelessly lost and bewildered, seeing death and maybe oblivion staring us squarely in the face,we suddenly become open to the idea of looking within ourselves and perhaps then asking the question WHO AM I ?  Part two to follow.
I hope this blog finds lodgement within your heart, regards Michael. comments welcome, face book page soul realization.

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