Sunday 14 May 2017

What Can We Do Dear Reader Of This Blog ???

Imagine you and your family are all sat around the table having your breakfast, the suddenly a wall
in the kitchen comes crashing down, you all jump up in fear and bewilderment, wondering what in
God's name is happening here? You all rush out into the street outside and see a massive bulldozer
there revving up its engine ready to demolish your home! The husband and wife rush up to the
bulldozer and shout at the driver, what the hell are you doing, this is our house you are destroying!
The bulldozer driver casually says, my company has bought this land to grow palm oil trees, you had better get out while you can! This is what is happening all over the far east in Indonesia and Borneo
i had the privilege of visiting Sabath in Borneo a few years ago, and we drove for over four long hours through nothing but palm oil trees, all the jungle had been destroyed all the animals killed off or in Orangutan rescue centres where they will be on show to the paying public for the rest of their
lives, local indigenous people were helped to move out of the way of the multinational giants who
squash and resistance with all the gusto of an SS Gestapo officer!  Soya bean, and palm oil are the
mono specialities of these multinationals, destroying the planet for greed, and killing of thousands
of animals in the bargain, plus local people bullied and abused to force them out of their land, how
can we as a human family allow this rape of our planet to go on, we in the west have food to eat and
money to buy things, yet millions are dying every year of starvation and thirst, how can we allow this to continue? How much longer can we watch children starving to death, or being blown up, while we drink coffee in our homes? Has love and compassion been assigned to the back burner, and greed and selfishness shining like a great beckon of a sick society, the torch of MEISM , I am all right Jack,
fu.. the others! I believe that there is a great growing unease within the west about how things are panning out and how sick society is where the breaking news Flash is that some female diva has been seen in a shopping mall without  wearing knickers!! That is how sick we really are, those kids dying
like flies, imagine if they were YOUR KIDS  are not even mentioned in this news, only knickers and
diva crap!
We can take on the multinationals, see what an effect Green peace have had, stopped the oil giants in their tracks, we too in this electronic age of emails and internet, can send millions of emails to our heads of state, saying Enough is enough, we will not take any more of this mindless egotism that is
killing our children in wars and famine, we demand it stops todays , LET IT BEGIN WITH ME, who said that great thing? Our brothers and sisters need our help, the poor innocent creatures need our help, we alone are powerless my friends, but if we combine with each other in the spirit of goodwill and love, and send millions of emails to our governments saying we demand action for our family who are dying when we have so much ,where  obesity is becoming an epidemic , not many obese children in Africa, let us end these ego wars, and get those famine victims feed, join together and
send those emails demanding change and we want it soon .like  today, may the spirit of peace be with you all this day.
warmest regards Michael. comments welcome, face book page soul realization.

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