Wednesday 31 May 2017

Home-Of-Lacklustre-Expresed- =H.O.L.E. Part Three.

There is an answer to our gross ignorance about who we really are, provided you are willing to do
something about it. The sad fact is though that the vast majority of us, will do absolutely nothing
about changing our way of thinking and acting, unless there is a major and often life threatening
crisis within our life, or in our family. Without the intervening crisis, most of us see no need
whatsoever to change, why should I? You proclaim! Don't rock the boat! We have managed this
far without any problem, why should we change anything now?  This is the cry of so many ,we  choose to stay asleep to any suggestion of inner knowingness, until there comes a crisis calling
on our door, then we are open to change, because we feel our life is under threat if we do not.
i too was like this, and utterly refused to do anything about the mess and sickness that had completely
engulfed me, until i was given just three months to live, then the pain and fear became so utterly
intense, that i fell to my knees and asked for help, from that vast  intelligence that runs this universe.
i was given help immediately from this vast power, then with group meetings with others who had the same problem as me, i began the long road to complete recovery. What i realized early on through
group meetings and self assessment was the fact that i knew absolutely nothing about who i really was. To rectify this gross discrepancy within my psyche i started meditating, this was back in 1974
and i still meditate every day forty four years after, what i have leaned i am sharing with you all who
take the trouble to read this far.
i discovered that we are all immortal souls, that we are first a soul with a physical vehicle (body)
and not a body with a soul, that we are here on earth to gain experience of being apart from the WHOLE, we experience the emptiness and that hollow feeling in order to learn from it, and then
realize that the world outside of you is basically a mirage, an illusion cast over your eyes by the
ignorance of your true and eternal being-ness.  When we go within ourselves in meditation, we find
a vast and limitless universe within us, we begin to have intuitive feelings and thoughts, this is because by going within us, we draw closer to that still small voice that is within us all, it is also
the voice of your conscience as well, this inner voice is your soul or  higher self calling out to
you and encouraging you to go deeper into your inner being.
By daily going within, and practising meditation, we find the practice deflates our ego's, we are more honest and true in our dealings with others ,a  natural humility will arise within you, and your understanding of the word love will expand beyond our wildest dreams, all this and much more await
you if you just stop what you are doing, realize that there is a solution to your problem ,and  that by
taking up meditation will open the door to a WHOLE new life for yourself and it will seal that gaping chasm which is the HOLE within,and replace it with the addition of the magic W that seals
the hole and make you WHOLE once more.
may this realization become yours, warmest  regards Michael. comments welcome,meditation lessons free
on face book soul realization page.

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