Thursday 25 May 2017

Two Imposters That Dwell Within Mankind Ego Mind. Part Three.

The absolutely most important question  you could ever ask in your whole life time, from your birth
to your death, is this; who am I? Followed by, what am I? These two questions are the fundamental
and basic questions, that each human being needs to know, and understand.
The very beginning of self-knowing starts with the question, who am I? We need to look within
ourselves, make a regular if not daily practice of meditation, always with the question of who am I?
To keep asking this basic question, and  see where it leads you, if you get an answer to the question who am I? Then ask from where did the answer arise from? Keep on pursuing this questioning
until you reach a final answer, this may take ages, or just months if you are very vigilant and vigorous
in your questioning. Self inquiry is the name of the game, the real you has been hidden away under
a construct of the ego and mind.
You need to remember and accept as best you can, that you are not the ego, and you are not the mind,
all you are ,all any of us really is, is the SELF!  That alone is your only reality, the SELF is that Divinity that lies in the centre of us all, it is found in our heart centre. Your ego is and has been
constructed by you, it is the sum result of your experiences from birth till today, when the ego is
born at around the age of two years old, the mind is quickly assembled around the "I" WANT"
centre, the mind then becomes the intelligent seeker to satisfy the ego's wants, the ego sends out its
orders, and the mind obeys its commands!
By constant self enquiry, we penetrate deeper and deeper into our psyche, removing barrier after barrier, erected by the ego, and maintained and patrolled by the mind, if you are very persistent and persevere, most folks give up after a while, and return to their sombulistic state, i hope and pray
dear reader you are not one of these who give up.
Ancient teachings of wisdom state quite clearly the "mind is the slayer of the real" and so it is, we spend all our lives thinking thoughts and never knowing from where does all this thinking originate
from? What is mind? What is ego? The answer is that they are constructs that you have assembled
through your experiences, and your memories, they are not real! The only reality within you is the self. By constant questioning of who am I? IF you are persistent  you will arrive at the point where
the mind reels and the ego flounders, You will than have arrived  at the point where your awareness
and perception sees the Naked "I" stood there with no where to go, you have succeeded in isolating
the "I" and at that very moment the SELF, that is the real you, reaches out an engulfs the "I" within
itself, and it is absorbed within you, then the ego has been reduced to zero reality, and the "I" which
without the prop and energy of the ego, becomes smaller in stature and then is just the eternal i of
the SELF, who is the real i of all of humanity. May this realization become your own dear reader,as
what flows from the heart must by universal  law reach the heart of those who read this, such is the law.
with warmest regards Michael. comments welcome, face book soul realization, and meditation
teachings free to all.

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