Thursday 25 May 2017

Two Imposters Dwell Within Mankind. Ego Mind. Part Two.

Two imposters dwell within us, and we know it not, WHY? Basically because we all have a gross
ignorance of who we really are, and secondly ,and  more importantly we are not taught this truth,
(a let me be absolutely clear here ,this  is a truth, a universal fact, not an opinion, not a theory, but a fact that can and is proved by thousands, who look within them selves, and find the truth dwelling
therein) our places of education and college, and universities, all fail us miserably, the reason they
all fail to teach this basic fundamental reality of what a human being actually consists of, and actually
is, is because of gross ignorance of what ,and  who we really are.
You are not the ego, you are not the mind, what you actually are is a SELF, this is the reality at the core of your being, this SELF is Divine, we are all part of one divine family. we are all immortal beings, our physical bodies are just vehicles for the SELF to use so that it can find purchase in this
dense physical realm called Earth, the SELF needs the (gravity( weight  of the physical body to
anchor it in this realm in order for it to experience the experience of separation from the whole and
learn from this.
When we are born we have no ego, and no mind, these two imposters are acquired and created by us
as we begin our journey into physical expression ,a  new born baby has no ego, and no mind, do not
mistake instinctual behaviour for mind, it is not ,a  baby will cry, when it feels hungry etc, but this is
just the work of the brain and instinct, not of the mind.
A babies eyes look deeply into whatever it sees, it listens to the sounds around it feels and touches,
as it gets older all that it has experienced since birth, begin to shape up from within, at around the age
of two, the ego is born in the child, it starts to say things like, it is mine, I want it now! at the very same time that the ego comes on line, so to does the thinking machine start producing thoughts,
the mind also then comes online with the ego, both of these imposters  feed on each other, the ego feeds the mind, and the mind feeds the ego, therefore you have the creation of the internal dance
of ego and mind, this dance, appears so real to us that we never doubt their authenticity, and would
fight to the death to defend the realty of these two imposters, and millions have already died doing
this very thing, EGO and MIND, have killed millions of innocent souls down through the centuries
all because of the opinion that I am right, and you are wrong, therefore I will kill you, and take your land by force,because I WANT IT! =EGO-MIND.
The dance of ego and mind have a mesmerising effect upon us, and because we are so fascinated  by
the interplay of these two imposters, we remain in a trance like state, and fail to see, hear, or feel, that inner reality the SELF, or soul. In the next part three, it will be explained how we can escape this trap, and really find ourselves, see you there.
may you all find your true self, regards Michael. comments welcome,face book soul realization.

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