Tuesday 23 May 2017


"I" is the dominating factor in all our lives, this "I" which is usually followed by "I" WANT, is the sole factor of all the tragedies, wars, famines, global destruction of virgin rainforests, the rape of the planet, the pollution of our air, the famines where millions die of starvation and thirst, while we in the
west are in a crisis with obesity, heart attacks, and cancer, and are loaded down with food and clean
drinking water, while those in the east die of starvation, can we really be called civilised and yet allow this obscenity to continue?
Who are you? Yes you my friend! i will now tell you exactly and precisely who you are, and then when you know, it will be up to you what ,if  anything you do about it, what i am about to tell you
is not a theory, it is not something i read in a book, it is something that i experience as a living reality
today, and you TOO dear reader can also experience this reality, for  make no mistake this is reality
what you have been existing in up to now, is basically an illusion created by the ego and mind combined together and weaving a fantasy that you consider as real, i am hear to tell you it is NOT!
The real you is the SELF, the soul, or sometimes called the higher self, your real self lies buried within you, buried by the ego and the mind, who have worked in concert since your birth, to fill
your being with a multitude of experiences you have had since birth, all the memories you have ,all  that you were told by your parents, school and college etc, you need to understand that you are not
the ego, you are not the mind ,you  are the Self, the self is that Divine reality within each one of us
we are all of the same family ,all  related to one another by our divine heritage, basically we are all
brother and sister. Your ego is a construct created by YOU, and the ego is the sum total of all your
experiences from birth until now, all your memories, like and dislikes, all created by you, the mind
and the ego are intimately related, one cannot exist without the other. No ego no mind! The mind
too is a construct made by your experiences since birth, in deep meditation, where there is no thought
there then is no ego, or mind! Only SELF or soul!  You reading this are a living soul, who is residing
in a physical body, for the sole reason of gathering experience, you are Divine and immortal by the very nature of who and what you are! You can find out the reality of which i am now writing,simply
by going within yourself ,practising  meditation, and asking YOURSELF, WHO AM I, go  within
yourself, and ask that question, keep on asking the same question ,who  am I. whatever answer that comes ask from where has this answer came from? Keep on persuing this question until you arrive
at the source of your being, you will most assuredly know when that occurs within you!
i hope this blog has touched at least one soul,one heart reading this today,and may you be blessed
with knowing too,WHO am I. peace be with you all.
warmest regards Michael.
kirkpatrickmichael17@gmail.com comments welcome,face book soul realization.

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