Sunday 7 May 2017

Ease-Goodness-Out-Truth-Is-Seriously-Manacled. =E.G.O.T.I.S.M.

Mankind is drowning in its own shallowness, there is more depth to a puddle in the Sahara desert
than is in our lives, and reported as "news".
We live in a me first last and always age ,narcissism and conceit dominate the news, and the
advertisers sell us the image of looking good, buy our product and look years younger, or your
money back. Bullshit, bragging, and boasting, are the order of the day, while millions starve to
death and are killed in wars, we are entertained by mindless empty shell's posing as having talent
we are fed this crap, endless shows and soap operas, where if the character who in a favourite
suddenly dies, those watching burst into tears and ring up the show!!!! Actors acting a part and
we think its real, we see breaking news footballers wife has just bought a designer handbag
for only five thousand pounds, the children being blown up in wars and dying of hunger takes
second place to a handbag! Is that not an indication of a sick and morally bankrupt
There is a global soul sickness, a cancerous sore that is eating millions of us alive each year,
that is why there is so much sickness, we are hollow, empty shell's  and offer an open invitation
to cancer, obesity, diabetes, all  the addictions that run rampant globally, heart disease, we openly
invite these parasites into our  bodies by the way we think, act, behave, and live, if we live on
chips and burgers we had better make a deposit for a burying plot, as we will soon need one.
What has happened to things like love and compassion, decency and honour? How can we stand
by and watch this epidemic unfold before our very eyes, and do nothing, how can we just go to
the supermarket and buy a weeks food, just like that, when millions are dying every day from
hunger, they have just dust to eat, and filthy disease ridden water to drink! Can we not write
letters to our governments and urge them to stop these ego testosterone driven wars and famines
put pressure on countries to halt this madness and help and feed your people. Whether we like it or not, accept it or not ,we  are all brothers and sisters part of our Divine family, Question, Am I my
brothers Keeper? Yes we are! In the sense that we need to be very mindful that when we sit down
to have our family dinner, some child is at that moment dying as you eat you calorie charged meal!
warmest regards Michael. comments welcome,face bbook soul realization.

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