Monday 22 May 2017


Of all the millions of questions we ask in our life time, how many ask the question, who am I?
You dear reader of this blog, have you ever asked yourself, who are you? And if you did, what was
the answer? It is a sad fact that 99.99999% of the human population, will never ask ,or  ever know
who they really are, billions of us go from birth to final death without knowing what it is that
actually lives inside the body, they inhabit! We can and do know reams of facts ,and  figures,
have studied for years at college and university, have letters after our name, but all that learning
and dry facts and figures, fall into a bottomless abyss, if you ask the question, who am I? What am I?
These two questions puzzle the greatest minds on the planet, and they do not know, the most hopeful
suggestion you will get from a Quantum physicist is that energy cannot be destroyed only converted
into something else, and therefore as we are energy, we must be converted into something else at
death! Do you feel comforted by that knowledge?
Knowledge of our true being needs to be taught to all our children at school so they are well prepared
for adulthood, and will know how to act and do, in tune with universal laws of love and integrity.
You are not the ego, you are not the mind, you are not the brain, what you are is the SELF which
is represented within you as your higher self, also called the soul, that is who you really are.
You are a SELF with a body, a soul with a body, and NOT a body with a soul, there is a vast difference, first principle is SELF/SOUL your body is not a principle, it is just a vehicle loaned
to the self for the purpose of human incarnation to gather experience, and experience the feeling
of separation from the WHOLE. This body is loaned to us from the four elements ,Earth, Air, Fire
and Water, who without their kindly loan physical life on Earth would be impossible.
 Our true SELF is buried deeply within us, and is smothered and strangulated by the ever watchful
ego, and bolstered up by incessant thinking on behalf of our minds, the ego is no more than the
accumulated experiences and memories you have encountered since birth unto today, we have all
created our own ego's, and for some of us its like having "JACK THE RIPPER as a lodger within!
Others of us may have a less demanding ego, but one thing is certain, the ego does not want to
loose its hold on you, and will try every trick in the book to keep you just where it likes you, under
its CONTROL. YOU, are not the ego! You are not the mind! In part three, will go further into this
and offer a solution to finding out who you really are!
may you find a correspondence here dear reader of this blog, regards Michael. comments welcome, face book page soul realization.

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