Tuesday 16 May 2017

Maintain-Inner-Focus-Awareness. =M.I.F.A. (musical notes) Part Two.

Life is a melody, a tune played out in the grand orchestra of human being-ness, we dance to the tune
of life's song, when we stumble and fall, we are out of tune, when in tune harmony reigns supreme.
Our goal in life is to court harmony, and avoid being out of tune, not an easy task!
We need to build and then maintain an inner focus and be aware of what we are doing, and realize
that without harmony (which means alignment with life's note) our lives will revolve around one crisis after another. Until we either die of exhaustion and dis-ease, or we surrender to the great
conductor of life's dance, and make a determined effort to change (our tune) the way we think, act,
and do, to radically change our way of thinking and acting, to realize that we have been sleep
dancing, rather that awakened dancing to life's merry tune.
Music is vibration, if you want positive vibrations, then you need to be fully aligned with the
harmonics of life's tune, if you are so aligned, then your everyday experiences will be one of
alignment, which translates as, peaceful and harmonious relationships with family and friends.
and an inner glow and joy with your life.
If  however you court negative vibrations then you open the door to dis-ease and disaster, being
out of tune with the melody of life means that you are locked within a sequence which is called
a vibrational crisis and this will bring you pain and suffering.
Now i know that millions of us, do not intentionally invite crisis  into our lives, but they do happen
nevertheless, and the real reason for this is because of our gross ignorance of reality and the laws of
life. Ignorance of life's laws will not exclude us from the consequences of our actions, its like not
knowing about the effects of gravity, and walking of the edge of a cliff! Ignorance kills millions
every year!
One way of taking steps to avoid this inner disharmony is what i have found, that of meditation
by having a daily practice of meditation you begin to align yourself with the music of the inner
spheres, and that way you are beginning to align yourself to harmony and move away from dis
harmony, the more you practice meditation the more you will be closer to inner peace and joy.
There are many methods of meditations, please do not pay any money to learn this science of
living, it is free, the method i use is just that of listening to your breath, let go of all thoughts, and bring your attention into the heart centre, without thinking about it, just be aware of it being there.
Start of with just five or ten minutes a day, you will then be on a path that will align you to the
music of life, and then joy and peace will become your companions.
warmest regards Michael.
kirkpatrickmichael17@gmail.com soul realization page face book meditation free there,beginners.

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