Saturday 6 May 2017

Recognise-Each-Actual-Leaning-Spirit-Emerges-Lower-Form =R E.A.L.S.E.L.F.

Have you ever met your real self dear reader? What we see looking back at us in the mirror
is not the real you, what you actually see could be termed a cardboard cut out model of the
real you within.
An ancient saying says "As above so below, and as below so above" we the ones that looks in the mirror and reflect our image, that image that shows itself to us, is that of an intellectual animal
the being has not been downloaded into the psyche as of yet, the spirit that we all actually are
is as yet unborn.
Billions of us dear reader of this blog, are in effect dead to reality, and are just basically just
clever animals, there is no Be-ing  as yet resident in that temple of the body, just a shell that
deludes itself that it is complete and whole, in fact the W is missing from all of us who have not been born again by a download and realization and soul telepathic communication, so instead of being
whole there are instead Hole and this gaping chasm becomes a gigantic magnet and hunger to fill
this Hole, that's why we are awash with addictions millions addicted to about anything you can name
all this celebrity worship crap is because of this gaping awning HOLE that has an insatiable appetite
if we were Whole and complete all the addictions and the worship of these  "famous nobodies trying to be a somebody would vanish overnight, and they would all be out of a job, all the media stuff like
face book and Twitter would crash and go broke in a fortnight, if we all woke up and smelled the
Who are you dear reader of this blog? Well I will tell you right now what you are, and of course this
applies to the entire planet mostly at the moment populated by intellectual animals, there is no
being in residence, what you are dear reader is a soul with a body, and NOT a body with a soul,
there is a vast difference. Until you make telepathic contact with your higher self the soul, you are
just an intellectual animal ,you  can do this by embarking upon a daily practice of yoga or meditation
and listen and pay attention to that still small voice within you, that still small voice within you
will guide you to the doorway of your higher self, open that door, and be re-born in the spirit and
then take custody of the real you, that awaits your knock upon its door.
warmest regards Michael. comments welcome, face book page soul realization.

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