Monday 29 May 2017

Concentricity Of Beingness.

We live and move and have our being amid a rotating field of energies , that form concentric
circles that begin within a singularity at the core, which is the SELF, the self is the singularity
and is unclothed spirit (Absolute) this then has a "body or vehicle" called the soul,  the soul is
often called the higher self, and it is the soul that the still small voice within arises from.
These concentric circles which start in the sub-atomic etheric realm as a singularity, a point of
Divinity that has attained self consciousness, and extend through multiple dimensions until the
energy exits upon the dense physical plane. In the book of Ezekiel, we are told that Ezekiel saw
a whirlwind from out of the north whirlwind =concentric circles, a fire infolding itself, and a brightness was about it, concentric circles with the fire of Divine Spirit and its centre! A fully
realized being is Absolute=GOD. That is what Ezekiel saw.
At the core of all our being-ness lies Divinity, we are firstly, Divine, our Divinity is Primary,
secondly we are called human beings, human beings who have severely lost their way, and so many
are almost hopelessly lost, and drowning in a ocean of addictions, and self centeredness run riot!
So many of us live our entire life from birth until death solely in our heads! Completely at the mercy
of your own ego's and endless thoughts which mostly amount to useless crap. We seldom, if ever
move our consciousness and awareness from out of the head ego based centre, to our heart centre
where the soul is residing therein., most often than not because we do not know about this, we are
often totally ignorant of the fact that there is even a centre of consciousness within the heart, hopefully this blog will go some way to rectify this point.
If we want to fill in the "hole" that exists within so many of us, that's why we keep searching for
something that will satisfy our craving, and what are we craving? WHOLENESS, that is what we are
all looking for, that's why there is an epidemic of addictions upon this planet, millions of empty souls
looking for wholeness in drugs, alcohol, food and obesity, self centred, selfishness, all these souls are hollow, empty, spiritually bankrupt, the only way to restore that gaping chasm and put the "W" back
onto the HOLE and then become WHOLE BEINGS again, is to look within yourself. Take up meditation, make it a daily practice, look  within yourself, that is where you really belong, that is where you truly belong,  that's where peace and inner harmony live, deep  relaxation, and inner peace
that still small voice that has called to you in times of crisis and despair, is your soul, may you all go
within and find this truth for yourselves.
may this reality become your own dear reader, regards Michael. comments welcome ,face  book soul realization meditation teaching. free,

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