Friday 19 May 2017

Four "I"s "Eyes" That Maketh Man.

Mankind has basically four "I" (eyes) each "I" corresponds  to an element of Earth, Air, Water. Fire,
the four "I"s make two triangles, one up, and one down, which in turn also form a cross, from the
third "I" that of Shiva, downward unto the mouth (which is the forth "I" that of the ego, "I" WANT)
The vertical is from mouth to Shiva,  the horizontal is from Left "I" to right "I" forming both a cross
and two triangles, one up, and one down.
The first three "Is" including that of  "SHIVA" the third "I" most of us are familiar with, although
the "I" of SHIVA is not so well known among us here in the west, but well known in the east.
The fourth "I" has been hidden from mankind for ages past, and its connection with the other three
not realized and comprehended, i thought it was time to present this fourth "I" back into the picture
so that we can all see the connections ,they  are all there, if you  but just make the connections.
The human ego is the fourth "I" and is located in the mouth, and is usually portrayed as (I WANT)
The words of the ego, (the mouth) are responsible for all the ravages that now plague our planet.
That of wars, famine, dis-ease, dis-harmony, and dis-cord, until we can align these four "I"s we will
never find peace and harmony. It has to begin with YOU reading this blog, one at a time we can wake up, and then play our part in the waking up process, i am playing my part this now to bring to your
attention this day, that we are all collectively responsible for what is happening in the world today
and the immense suffering that is being endured by the many, Let it begin with me! That could be our
battle cry, look within you, practice  daily meditation, see your ego for what it truly is, and learn how
to first deflate it, then with much more effort, eliminate it altogether. When that is done you become
a triangular visionary, rather that a quadruped as we all are now! The EGO has to die, in order for us to live! That is the true nature of reality, that we all need to wake up to and realize.
At first we all need deflation of the ego, that then gives a breathing space for governments of the world to try and reach an agreement in how to deal humanly and fairly the vast problems we have
all created. There can be truly peace on Earth, if we one by one get the message of ego centric behaviour, go within, see the truth that we are all truly one family within the Divine Spirit, and that
if we truly love one another, then peace and joy will be our constant companions.
May this blog resonate within your heart my friend ,regards  Michael. comments welcome, face book soul realization page.
meditation for beginners there free.

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