Wednesday 24 May 2017

Two Imposters Dwell Within Mankind Ego Mind.

We are the being without, and the being within, dual by nature, the being without is ruled by ego
and mind, the being within is just BEING SELF, when you look into the eyes of a new born baby
what do you see? You see an innocent ego less, being looking back, this is why a new born baby
is so adorable and everyone wants to kiss and hold it, you inner instinct kicks in and you identify
with that lost innocence of yourself, much like looking into the eyes of a deer or other animal,
we find them adorable as well, because they are all egoless and innocent, in biblical terms they
are "without spot" pure and innocent, we however have spot, and what gives us this spot is the
birth of ego and mind.
At around the time of "the terrible twos" children give birth to their ego, and suddenly instead
of say sharing toys, say, it's mine, give it to me, the !I" want, is born within the child.
We need to understand that both ego and mind are constructed by us, we download these two
imposters through our experiences from birth, babies are like sponges, and soak up all the happenings
going on around them, they listen and observe what their parents say and do, and also notice any
discrepancies between what a parent says, and what they actually do!  All these various experiences
go into creating the ego of the child, which they will then carry into adulthood.
The way that everyday life in the west is constructed is that you need to think, pay your bills, get
a job, find a partner, get a mortgage, and be bound up for the next thirty or so years paying back
all that money you borrowed, so unless a major crisis comes a calling into your life, you will not
change this direction .When  a crisis or near death experience happen to us, it makes us revaluate
our lives and think about what is really important! If we then change our focus from without, to within, by perhaps taking up something like meditation, we begin to discover an inner world that
never knew existed ,and  all of a sudden we feel that there is much more to life than we had ever imagined possible before we started looking within.
When with much practice and patience we begin to explore this inner world, we begin to realize
that beyond thought, and thinking, there is a universe of awareness to venture into and experience.
We begin to become aware of the ego trying to deflect our efforts of finding inner peace through meditation, it pops thoughts into our minds like, this  meditation thing, is a waste of time ,why  not go out and enjoy yourself! Maybe get drunk and forget all about this nonsense of meditation!
These are desperate calls from the ego, because it fears that if you persist much further you will
begin to realize that this is an imposter dwelling within you!
Part two will explain further.
warmest regards Michael. comments welcome,face book soul realization.

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