Sunday 28 May 2017

Locating-Our-Vibrational-Energy- =L.O.V.E.

Most of the human race live and exist within their heads, the thought centre, the head is home to
the mind and the ego, both are entwined around each other like two snakes dancing?
Love that precious element that the songs say "love makes the world go round" exists outside of
our heads, and is located within the heart chakra, roughly in the centre of your chest on the left
side, this is where our feelings arise from, and the emotions move us to tears of joy, or anguish at
Mostly our centre of consciousness is within the head, that is the main reason we have so much turmoil, wars, it is how we all stand by and do nothing, while millions are dying of thirst and hunger,
we in the west are ok! Its a pity about those poor children dying of thirst and hunger, but what can I do, we are helpless to do anything, so  change the channel on the tv and let's watch a good film and
forget about it all, after all, we are ok right?
That unfortunately is the attitude of many, perhaps you are one of those reading this now? Are we
really so helpless? In this day of internet global coverage, what do you think would happen if say
one billion of us, all protested on the internet about those dying of thirst and hunger say, perhaps
on  Face book a billion people saying to their perspective governments  that we will not stand for
this inhumane treatment of our fellow humans ,we  demand  right now that means be made immediately to being water and food to those famine victims, imagine if you will, one billion
people all demanding at the same time, that action be taken to feed and water these famine
victims, it would immediately go super viral, most likely collapse Face book with the amount
of traffic, in would soon be reported on all the news networks, there would be news flashes,
breaking news headlines in every country of the world, we have that power at our finger-tips
dear readers of this blog, all we really need is the will, and that where the title of this blog comes
in, LOVE EXISTS within our heart chakra, it is also the home of Compassion and the feeling that
we have a moral duty to help our fellow humans if we can, love and compassion give us the
necessary energy to get this done.
So if we all can move out of our head consciousness, and bring our conscious awareness into our
heart centre, then we will become ignited with the fire of love and compassion ,which  will give us the boost to get of our asses and do something about those hungry and thirsty children who are dying
in there thousands every day, i hope and pray that we can all join in and invade the internet forums like face book, and twitter with demands to our heads of state to stop this evil ignoring of suffering
and demand it is sorted out today.
may this realization be your own, regards Michael. face book page soul realization

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