Saturday 20 May 2017


From mouth (ego) to third "I" Shiva, is a vertical ascent that can take many life times, or can be achieved in one,(this one) if you really want it! The distance from physical mouth, to where the third
"I" is situated is only a few inches physically, but this is very deceptive indeed, the actual distance
translated into real terms would be about your climbing mount Everest without oxygen three times!
We are situated within two triangles one from Shiva to the left and right eye ,that  forms the downward triangle ,the  upper one is from the  point where the mouth is (ego ,I  want) with a line
to the left and right eyes, this forms two triangles, and if you draw a line down from Shiva to the mouth ,a  vertical line, then draw another horizontal line between the two left and right eyes, you then
have a cross within two triangles. We are all upon the cross of crucifixion and what needs crucifying
is the ego of mankind, that is responsible for all the terror, fear, wars, pestilence, dis-ease, famine,
nasty behaviour, and all the rape of the planet and its resources, all EGO DRIVEN., selfishness and self centeredness.
We need to burn out the ego by raising our consciousness and awareness to where the fire dwells
that of the third eye of SHIVA. If we are not focussing upon an ascending vertical path that will
eventually lead us all to full and lasting liberation, and an awakening into our true being one that
is SOUL CONSCIOUS, rather than like we are now just self or ego conscious. If we are not
ascending, then we are stationary, and that is not a good place to remain in, you can either sink
lower into awful oblivion, where millions are all ready resident there, or remain stagnant and be at
the mercy of rip tides that flow in the horizontal  levels of being,these rip tides that are normally
and usually called by us with the more familiar name of incoming crisis ,when  crisis comes a
calling on you ,it  is your inner self the soul trying to get your attention, and change your course
of direction from the horizontal to the vertical, and become free of the suffocating ego.
Any of you reading this and maybe feel uneasy, be not concerned, you have the answer to all this
and can solve any worries by just doing a few simple things, first make a change in your lifestyle
by beginning the daily practice of meditation, by beginning this simple yet powerfully charged action
you begin from day ONE on the ascending path that will bring you ultimate freedom lasting peace
and unlimited joy! If you have never practiced meditation, there are many classes on the internet,
never pay one penny though for any method wanting money, it should be free, I have also a page on
Face book called soul realization a meditation for beginners, you are more than welcome to visit there
if you so wish.May you all reading this find your way out of the box of EGO, into the wide expanse
of soul realization.
warmest regards Michael. comments welcome.

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