Monday 15 May 2017

Dissolve-Our-Rigid-Ego. =D.O.R.E. Part one (do,re, as in musical notes)

This blog will be one of three, today it will be covering the two notes DO.RE. tomorrow will do MI,FA,  the day after it will cover SOL.LA. and TI.
So today is about  dissolving our rigid ego, which corresponds  to those musical notes D.O.R.E.
How can we dissolve our rigid ego ? To begin to answer that question we first need to know what
exactly the ego is! The ego is basically a collection of personal experiences from your birth till
this present day, all that you have been told as a child, all that you have learned in that time,your
observations of your parents and friends, and how you have copied some of the traits, a vast collection of memories and experiences, that is what your ego actually is, the sum total up to
today of all you have heard,seen, and  done ,just  a collection of memories and experiences that
is what your ego is, but what you need to understand is that you are not your ego, you are 
something vastly different than that imposter, pretending to be you!
What we are is immortal souls, sometimes called our higher self, the higher self that is the real you
is what we want to dissolve  our ego's into, to loose the ego as it is absorbed within our higher self
and is no more. Easier said than done? Well yes and no, it can and has been done by millions over
centuries past, and has been done today by many, but it is not easy, by any means, The ego has a vice
like grip on all of us ,a  strangle hold that it does not want to loose. To begin the dissolving process
of the ego, we need to get to know who exactly we are ,and  the best way i know of doing that is by
the practice of meditation, that will enable you to eventually to find out the real you, hidden away
by the suffocating ego, then you will find your higher self there within you, that still small voice
that has whispered to you in times of crisis, that voice is your soul, your higher self.
Our life and all life in this universe corresponds to vibrations which are in turn musical notes, the
divine music of the spheres, when our notes are in synchronization  with the  life frequency then we
have peace and harmony within our lives, if the discordant note is played we will have what is called
a vibratory crisis ,which  translates as a mess in our lives at that time!
Take up meditation dear reader, and be reborn into a new and more conscious reality.
warmest regards Michael. comments welcome,facebook soul realization about meditation.

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