Thursday 4 May 2017

Pluarality Has No Basis In Reality.

All is energy and energy is all, that is all there is, one thing only is, and that is energy, that energy
has within it living and intelligent, we as a human race are factually, fundamentally, and really just
energy, we are living intelligent energy nothing more nothing less.
The are  roughly seven billion people on this earth, but this number is an illusion, it is not what
reality says, reality says there is just one human on earth replicated seven billion times but all
seven billion emerge from just ONE ENERGY, not energies, there is no S on the end of energy
we put the S there and make all thing plural, when in reality there is just the singular.
We need to understand what we are dealing with here, if we can do that then all the mystery
of life will stand revealed, there is bur one reality in this universe and that reality for want of a
word is the Absolute, or God as some might prefer, this universe emanated from within the
Absolute and the Absolute transcends the universe, we are all within this Absolute Being and
no-thing can possibly exist without it.
Because outwardly we live in a relative  existence we wrongly imagine that many things exist,
and yes it does seem so but this is a deception caused by our lack of perception and awareness,
the word seem has depth of meaning here. Ying and Yang two primary vortexes  manifested to fit into relativity, just follow Ying and Yang up an ascending vortex with ever increasing rotation
and what would you find? Ying and Yang  would combine at the point it exited the relative
universe and become just one energy again ,not two.
Male and female only exist upon the Earth plane and the lower levels of the astral plane, above
that both sexes combine just like Ying and Yang did, at that level of livingness we are
androgynous by nature.
Seven billion facets of just one Jewel that is what we are, each facet going about its business
learning about being separate from the whole, and gaining experience from that, there is great
pain in separation that is what we all feel, and mostly know it not, the love between a man and
a woman is an attempt to unite with that hidden jewel and become WHOLE again, the world
.of energy packets with gaping holes within them ,and  causing all the multitude of addictions
that arise from trying to fill that yawning chasm with anything they can get hold of.
warmest regards Michael. comments welcome,face book soul realization.

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