Friday 12 May 2017


False identification with our environment from birth, due to conditioning by our parents,family
members, school, have lead us into an impasse, that seems almost impossible to break out of.
We have all been well and truly conditioned to look only without ourselves for answers to all
lives many questions.
From all this identification and conditioning ever since we were born, by the age of around three
years old we gave birth to,and can in many lives become a gluttonous monster the ego! The ego
is the very embodiment of the two words that have destroyed billions of humans down through
the centuries, these two words are "I" WANT! Often added with I want it NOW, I want your LAND
get off it now, or "I" will kill you! Ring any bells at all?  Our SELF at this point is just that, it is
a POINT within us, surrounded on all sides by the ego, this ego of ours is very attentive it patrols
around this point deep within us, looking for any breach in its wall of resistance, if it per chance
finds and weakness, it will immediately shore it up, from its vast store of gathered experiences.
There is virtually no chance of anybody getting in touch with their inner self, without first there
arising a major of minor crisis in their lives, there may be a few would can contact their inner self without an intervening crisis, but i have never met one!
The ego is like a guard dog on a leash going round in endless circles shoring up its defences, it
wants you all to its self!  A sick possessive love affair with itself, suffocating the real you the self
The real you is the self or your soul, we are spirit first, physical body last, the real you is perfect
and enlightened, its just that your ego prevents you from ever finding out this truth of your being.
Who you are is SELF, soul, i am self, a divine being, within a divine family, that is what we ARE
that is the reality of our BEINGNESS, not the bilge and bullshit that the ego spews out to keep
you forever trapped within its sickening perverted possessive love affair.
Man Know Thy SELF!  This was written in ancient Greece the Oracle of Delphi, when we know
our SELF we then know that we are Divine, we are spirit, here on Earth to gather experience and to share that experience ,just  like i am doing now, there would be no wars, no greed, no hunger ,no  thirst, there would be just pure unconditional love, and then this world would indeed be a paradise
another Garden of Eden! If just one of you reading this, can see,and feel, the truth behind it ,let   go
of the ego ,turn  within to the in-spansion within you, meditate and find your true self, then this blog
will have been of some use!!
May all your "I"s become just i regards Michael. comments welcome, face book soul realization.

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