Thursday 18 May 2017

Manifesting-Your-Self-Enables.Liberation-Freedom. = M.Y. S.E.L.F.

Who is this my that has a self? Is that you, now reading this? Then pray tell me who you are then!
Who are we in truth? And will the truth set you free? As it has been promised to do so! So many
questions, what can we actually really know? Well we have been told for thousands of years by
those wise old Greeks, the we should, "Man know thyself"  how many of us thousands of years in
the future from those ancient times, actually do know ourselves? About one in a million of us really
know who we are, from personal experience of it. We know tons of basically useless "facts" and what
so and so diva lady wears for dinner ,but  about yourself, a big fat zero! Apart from your name and what you do, if you are fortunate enough to have a job that is.
Why is not the reality of our true identity taught in schools so that our children are educated into
reality, and what really is, rather than filling their innocent heads with so much dry intellectual trash
that will be of absolutely no use to them when they embark upon adulthood, and have to make their
way in a world that is hostile and ego driven.
In some places in the world, children are taught that they are souls with bodies, and not bodies with souls, these schools are mainly in the east, India, being on prime example.
Instead of drowning in sorrow and suffering through ignorance of out true identity , we should be
swimming with the tidal current of life, surfing on the pressure wave  of soul expansion and soul
realization, flowing with the current of life which leads to liberation and inner freedom.
Instead millions if not billions of us, are caught up in vicious rip tides, and roaring eddies, that are
literally tearing and ripping mankind apart at the seams. All this is occurring for one primal reason
only, that of gross ignorance, as to who you really are!
If mankind actually knew and fully realized who he/she was, then immediately there would be
peace on Earth and goodwill to ALL MANKIND not just to a chosen few! There would be no wars
or rumors of wars ,there  would be no famines, nobody would be dying of thirst, or hunger, the sick
would be healed, and treated whether they had money or not. Joy would arise within mankind and replace the anger and resentment. I urge you all who read this blog, from my heart to yours, look
within you ,take  up meditation, find that true self that abides within you, wake up from your long
slumber, and be reborn into a new level of consciousness, and awareness, may the spirit of truth
bless each one of you on this noble journey of self discovery.
peace to all who read this regards Michael. comments welcome, face book soul realization,meditation teachings.

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