Wednesday 17 May 2017

Spirit-Opens-Life-Learning-About-Truth-Intuitively.=S.O.L.L.A.T.I. Musical notes) Part three.

We are amid a great concert of musical tones and sub tones, we dance to the music of the spheres
and the conductor of this melody of mankind is the great SELF that is embedded deeply within us
We each resonate with our own tonal signature, this signature is manifested by ourselves upon our
journey through conscious living experience, those that are further along the path of personal
evolution will ring a different note than those further back upon the expansive path of knowing
and realizing.
We need to find that "I" that resides within us, who am "I" is the question we constantly need to ask
ourselves, who is this "I" that claims to be me!  97% of us are unconscious to the reality that we
exist in, only 3% of you are awake and conscious, are you happy with this? If yes then just stop reading this blog, and drift of back to sleep. If you want to wake up and begin to resonate with a new
musical tone, then this is what you do.
First, recognise, that you are not your ego, the ego is a manifested entity you constructed through
your gathered experiences from birth till today, that construct the ego, is the one that is slowly
strangling you to death and stopping the other 97% on YOU from surfacing! The real you the SELF
is hidden away deeply in the inner depths of your being, this we will begin a practice that will raise
this REAL YOU to the surface of your consciousness, this practice will begin to unravel the twisted
musical tones within you, and allow you to  glide gracefully across the dance floor of life, rather than
stumble as you do now!
The method that i recommend is meditation, to start  a practice of daily meditation, which will gradually begin the awakening process within you, we have all been asleep far too long.
With daily meditation you will slowly become centred and balanced, you will begin accessing finer
notes upon the harmonic scale of universal harmonies, you will in fact and in act be aligning yourself
to more intuitive and deeper levels of consciousness. The ego will try and stop you from going any
further, because it knows that if you do its days are numbered! Ignore the ego and continue with your
daily meditation, as your consciousness grows deeper, you will then see what an imposter the ego is
and you will eventually absorb it into that Higher self within you, your immortal soul, that is the
real you, the SELF.  As you begin to embrace the higher harmonies of the universal harmonic
rhythm you will have more balance and peace within your daily life, and your awareness and
perceptions will grow more sensitive. That still small voice within you, will become an ever loving
companion upon your journey through the ballroom of life.
with warmest regards Michael. those wishing to learn meditation can tune into my
web page on Soul Realization  on face book. its free as well.

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