Thursday 11 May 2017


It may surprise you to know that you are not the ego, which traps billions of us in its suffocating
embrace, the ego is a construct you erected from birth and the majority of the race die with it
fully attached, all your memories, experiences, and  encounters, that you have had, plus all you have been told and experienced from others, has re-enforced the false reality of the ego, so real does this
clever fiction portray itself that we are completely under its spell and dominance of our lives.
It may further surprise you that you are not your mind either! Think about the words "YOUR MIND"
who then is this YOUR that claims to own something called a MIND? Where did you get this mind
from that is YOURS? Was it the local supermarket? Remember the ego is represented by the two
words "I" want! Does that not sound a bit like MY MIND? Are they perhaps not related? One of the
When you strip away all the dross that we have stuck to ourselves like shit to a blanket, we reveal
what is really there, that of the SELF, which is the very embodiment of consciousness itself, not
mind, but rather consciousness, they are not the same thing! At our core- BE-ingness we are self
and SELF is the EGO-LESS reality of what we all our, everybody on this planet is BEING and
NOT KNOWING, that is why this planet is fine, but humanity is profoundly SICK, and ego
driven to the point of INSANITY and beyond!  That is why we feed ourselves to obesity drink
ourselves to oblivion, and bomb innocent children to death on a daily basis, while in Africa and
other so called third world countries die of hunger and thirst, Not many obese people in that neck
of the woods!!
The only real permanent eternal reality within mankind is the SELF, NOT the ego, and NOT the
mind ,just the self which has a little "i" that is the i of the self, the ego is the "I" the big I am!
We all are PERFECT because we are FROM PERFECTION, and from perfection only can come
PERFECTION, the Absolute SELF does not make RUBBISH, the EGO does a brilliant job of
doing that. We are all enlightened , and WE KNOW It NOT, because the ego wants you to
remain ignorant and be cowering in fear, that's where the ego likes to keep us, fearful and bloated
with false pride and gluttony, swaggering around saying  LOOK at ME! I am a big shot,you  KNOW!
If you have had enough of all this ego crap, then look deeply within your heart, open your heart that
you may see visions of truth that you shall see, when your self looks back at thee, then you will be
finally free! i hope and pray each of you reading this ,feel my passion, feel the heart felt energy
and consider taking up meditation, finding your true self, and be born again in the fire of TRUTH.
may all egos wain away regards Michael. comments welcome, face book soulrealization.

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