Thursday 18 May 2017

Ignorance-Tsunami-Envelops-Mankind. =I.T.E.M.(that needs addressing urgently)

It is said of old, by the masters who walked this Earth, "What comes from the heart, reaches the heart" this blog today comes from my heart ,and i pray that it reaches the hearts of those of you who
take the time to read it.
A tsunami of biblical proportions washes over all of mankind today, but it is not a ocean of water
that is drowning humanity, rather it is an ocean of ignorance as of who, and what, we really are.
If we all knew who we really are, none of the worlds dis-eases, wars, and famines could possibly
occur, there would truly be peace on Earth and goodwill to all of mankind, how then can we achieve
this miracle of mammoth change?
Thousands of years ago written over the temple of the Oracle of Delphi in ancient Greece it said
Man know thyself, if we all truly knew ourselves, the whole planet would awaken into what could
truly be another golden age of humanity, where love and humility reigned supreme, rather than
selfish greed, and arrogance that we have today.
So the question begs an answer, who am i ? Our true self, is submerged by an ocean of ignorance
and egotism, coupled with false pride and prejudice, what can we do, to turn the tide?
What we can do is to go within ourselves, by going within, we enter into a direction that will eventually liberate us all from the lash of ignorance and egotism. Meditation which i have been
practising for over forty years now, is a way that will guarantee you will wake up from a long
slumber ,and  the real you will be revealed  to be that SELF that has been hidden for so long, it
will reveal itself to you, before your startled eyes! All you have to do, is go within, practice 
meditation, persevere, and be patient, and eventually the real you will be downloaded into your
waking consciousness.
The truth is that we are all souls with bodies, and NOT, bodies with souls, as so many think, this
is an error, that needs correcting, Souls is our primary state of being, the body is just a vehicle to
house the soul while it experiences experiencing upon this Earth plane.
When you go within, practice meditation, be patient and persevere, you will eventually discover what i and many of our brothers and sisters, have discovered, that we are all souls, immortal by nature, and
you my brother or sister reading this blog from my heart unto yours, will also find this truth within your own self, you do not have to take my word for it, put it to the test, try meditation and see for yourself! What have you got to loose, except your own ignorance of your being-ness?
from my heart unto yours regards Michael. anyone needing meditation help ,see ,soul realization page
on Face book, there are free lessons there.

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