Wednesday 4 September 2024



This blog today entitled WHIRL explores the way that "WE" which are called 

Humanity WHIRL down into physical density via a WORMHOLE rotation from

the Astral realms into the physical dimension, where we are then born as a physical

vehicle. Two wormholes connect the physical entity (YOU) within the heart chakra

the downward rotation wormhole rotates in a clockwise rotation and is anchored 

within the heart chakra. This clockwise rotation wormhole stays in place locking

us into its life presentation sequence under astral universal law. When we die(change

venues) the downward rotation ceases , and immediately an upward  counter 

clockwise wormhole opens and escorts the astral body safely back into the astral realm

that it left long ago. WORMHOLES are not only  "VERY REAL" but we are all 

within  one right now as you read this blog. When we meditate and go deep into ourselves

we can then access a wormhole where we encounter an out of the body experience , when

we leave our physical body and move with hyper speed to some far of place , where we can

travel through space in moments. Each one of us has the physical body vehicle. plus we

each have an inbuilt ASTRAL BODY. WORMHOLES are not science FICTION, 

Quantum Physics  know all about wormholes, check it out yourself. All relative life

on Earth  can only be done via a wormhole that is a super vortex singularity that provides

the density which allows Ethereal fluidic intelligent energy to become condensed and 

coalesced into a physical format. Remember that under that physical body lies that of

Divine immortal Spirit.

warmest regards michael. an y feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

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