Saturday 14 September 2024



This blog today entitled "IS" =(HUMANITY")  is about who and what "WE"

Humanity actually ARE , The INFINITE ABSOLUTE SELF, has become localized

into this relative space time continuum In order to become into what we call human

LIFE  which collectively is called humanity. Each human being all eight billion of us

are ALL FACETS of this ONE Absolute Infinite SELF. In order to understand 

infinity all you really need to do is to look deeply within your inner psyche and

reveal that you "ARE INFINITY"!!! And more so you are also an UNBORN

Eternal BEING as well. There are eight billion FACETS all using ONE universal

MIND. There is no such a thing as my mind or your mind, ONLY ONE Absolute 

MIND "WE" all tune into.. There are "NO OTHERS"  Succinctly pointed out by the

Master RAMANA MAHARISHI, who when asked by a devotee "how should I treat

others master" to which the master replied "THERE ARE NO OTHERS"! "WE" that

of humanity are all INFINITE SELF (IS)  manifested into a physical format  and called

humanity. Each one of "us" is an Infinite Absolute Divine SPIRIT  Being  presented

upon this planet Earth within five dimensional levels of awareness that permit our full

presentation sequence to be motioned into being ness. When we can venture within 

ourselves, take up meditation or yoga , seek out the inner silence when all thought falls

away. When we can enter into deep inner silence "WE" will then begin to realize who 

and what we really are . Because it can take many life times incarnations to fully know

our true Divine Immortal SELF , we each have an astral body which we move into at

death (change venues)  where we can rest up take stock and return back here to seek


warmest regards michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

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