Monday 9 September 2024



This blog today entitled LIFE-IS will be about revealing the process of what

LIFE actually is, and to further reveal what the hidden ingredient is within all

LIFE that animates it into what we call existence. What is it that is localized  and

in-formed into an embodied living life entity ?  LIFE-IS will reveal that if you 

remove the SPIRIT . life would not and cannot then exist  anywhere in this universe.

All life universally emerges out from the core matrix of pure eternal unborn SPIRIT.

Motional animated life is the relative expression of Absolute Spirit MIND, in which

the IDEA of MOTION has been carried out into a formation of a relative universe

in which this Divine Spirit IDEA can become expressed fully and become endowed

with the focus of becoming Infinitely diverse,  we call this diversity that of evolution.

Life is an IDEA that has arisen from the stillness and silence of Absolute Spirit into

a Motioning Focused thought WAVE that carries all life universally aloft within its

Absolute Embrace. Humanity is gradually awakening into the understanding of how

this all works . WE have arrived at the APEX POINT  in our evolution where we have

all become SELF AWARE . We all use the Divine PREFIX of "I AM" most of us 

at the moment do not realize the power that lies within the  I AM PREFIX.  Some of

humanity are awakening into the realization of our divine heritage, realizing that we 

are all spirit incarnating with a LIFE  body vehicle which consists of five KOSHIC

sheaths. LIFE is PURE SPIRIT disguised by a physical vehicle called a human being.

warmest regards michael and feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization

If  this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

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