Wednesday 11 September 2024



This blog today entitled LISTEN is about how we can fully understand the principle

of life and then investigate what it truly is, and also marvel at its infinite diversity

that it reveals its self to us all. If we begin to investigate the nature of life , we will

soon conclude that there seems to be an invisible force that seems to animate all

life both here on Earth and presumably all over this universe. What then is this invisible

force?  One answer may be found in that word LIFE, which to me stands for  Living-

Intelligent- Focused-Energy =LIFE, so if we can sense that this invisible force that

animates all life is that of INTELLIGENT ENERGY , this then poses another question

of who or where does this INTELLIGENCE  come from?  We can ponder on this question 

for ages, until we come to some conclusions as to what this Intelligence actually is,

To me the answer lies within what seems to be the SOURCE of all life and intelligence

everywhere and that is Divine SPIRIT the SOURCE  of ALL that ever WAS. It seems

that Divine Spirit cannot come into this relative universe directly , it does so by becoming

clothed  in layers of KOSHIC sheaths , so that the Divine Spirit can indeed embrace life

as is expressed within  a KOSHIC sheath covering. The NOW is that point reference that

never moves . It is life that moves through the stationary now in a motion which we call

that of evolution. LISTEN  is about how we can better understand what life actually is.

What part we play in it and further revealing that within us all lies that Divine inner

Intelligence  which is Divine SPIRIT, or your HIGHER SELF.  If we listen into our

inner being we will then be able to make conscious contact with our HIGHER SELF.

Which is that of Divine Intelligence.

warmest regards michael any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

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