Tuesday 10 September 2024



This blog today entitled KNOWN is ab out the hidden meaning in the word NOTHING

and by looking deeply into that nothing word, we can find the answer to all divine wisdom.

The core meaning of the word nothing means the same as the word   "ALL" which translates

in a sequence like this; Nothing equals ALL and ALL equals nothing. How can this be?

Well the secret lies in the word itself, which is really two words which are "NO-THING"

There is ONE THING that dominates this universe ONE THING ONLY and that ONE THING

is that of ENERGY no OTHER THING exists in this universe other than ENERGY.

If we can understand that energy is the ONLY THING in this universe that is real and

omnipresent.  Life equals that of energy, energy is vibrating atomic force atoms moving at

near light speed in relative Perpetuity. When we can know the secret of NO-THING 

we will then have access to universal wisdom. This universe is an infinite ocean of

Intelligent Energy and within this infinite ocean of energy there is arising out of this

ocean what we call life. Life is that of intelligent energy becoming condensed and

coalescing into a unit we call life. Life then arises out of this ocean of Space (energy(

and condenses into it by what we call OCCUPYING that SPACE by your physical

presence within it. MOTION equals ENERGY and all this ENERGY  arises from 

Absolute THOUGHT from the SOURCE/SELF. NO-THING means that ALL is that

of a SINGULAR point of Reference , there are ZERO THING"S". ONE THING

EXISTS SOLELY. when it is in MOTION (IDEATION THOUGHT)  it is called a 

vibrating universe, filled with life, when it is STILL  it is called ABSOLUTE SPIRIT


warmest regards michael.

kirkpatrickmichael17@gmail.com any  feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

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