Monday 16 September 2024



This blog today entitled AFORE is about the human aura which is invisible to

most people except those who are very sensitive  or have medium sensitivities.

The electromagnetic field that surrounds all human life can be seen by electronic

sensor machines, and even be photographed by using KIRIAN photography.

This field of electromagnetism has been known about for thousands of years . We

each have an aura which totally surrounds our physical body. The aura can and does

exhibit many shades of all colours , like a rainbow of magnetic light. The aura is the

magnetic field which holds our full presentation signature into this relative life form.

We are all presented within a five fold presentation package our physical bodies are

the most dense part of the whole package. Each part of our presentation sequence is

a layer of dimensional awareness these layers are also shown in our auras which 

radiate outwards from the gross physical body. Each layer of the aura is an 

electromagnetic layer of magnetised information about that layers signature meanings.

There is so much about our presented package that we cannot see, in fact we only ever

see about 1% of our full expression into relative space time continuum , 99% of our

full sequence into motional life is invisible to us all, we only ever see the physical body

how many of us have ever seen the astral body? which we use every night while asleep

then quickly forget all about these nocturnal ventures a few minutes after waking up.

AFORE is about looking within ourselves and getting to know more about who we rally

are. Look into your aura look and see in the mirror if you can sense it around you, if

you persist in looking deeply into the mirror you will begin to see an "OUTLINE" of

your energy field, keep doing this and colours may well begin to appear to you.

warmest regards michael any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and  friends Thank you

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