Saturday 28 September 2024



This blog today entitled ARTS is about the ASTRAL UNIVERSE which is Infinite

the same as this physical matter relative universe. The ASTRAL realms are hardly ever

mentioned , so I thought it about time was, after all every human being on this planet

has incarnated from this realm before being born here on Earth, and more importantly 

will return back there when you die (change venues). The Astral realms are infinite and

vast in nature. The lowest level of astral dimensions does occasionally impinge upon this

physical realm and can be seen by those who are sensitive to these vibrations, also when

we see what are called ghosts. There are Seven major realms of which all are infinite , and

a total of forty nine sub realms, making a total of fifty six dimensional states of expression.

Each one of these realms differs in its vibrational expression , we each automatically go 

into the dimensional realm or sub realm in which we personally RESONATE with , this

depends on your place upon the evolutionary scale of expression . We can rotate  only 

into that dimension which we are in "TUNE" WITH  Resonate with. We have zero choice

in where we are assigned to go to, its all down to what your inner being  really IS, and NOT

what you think it is. The old adage which states that "birds of a feather flock together" 

come to mind here. Infinite wisdom places you EXACTLY where we will fit in when we

die. All of humanity has been there and will all go there again on death (change venues) .

The Astral realms are "holding stations" for life to become fully SELF KNOWING and

to do that takes more than one incarnation, that is why Divine Intelligence has made these

TEMPORAL realms so that we have a place to stay before the next incarnation. The word 

TEMPORAL here means millions of years the astral has been in place, but compared with

the ETERNAL its momentarily. In part two will delve much deeper into this.

warmest regards michael, any feedback  welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks

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