Sunday 8 September 2024



This blog today entitled WORD is about how we can find wisdom deep within

us all, by first recognising the deep layer of ignorance that lies within us all.

Wisdom is that most vital principle that is vouchsafed within every human being 

all we need to do is to look deeply within ourselves. Wisdom is the WORD made

into LIFE, which equates directly with the WORD MOTION. All life is presented

within a motional spiral vibrating atomic physical structure, it vibrates, all life vibrates 

with atomic motion . To understand  reality we need to look beyond the atomic vibration

and reveal its matrix which is that of motionlessness. All motion within this universe

arises out of that which in motionlessness. That which is STILLNESS beyond relative

motion is that which is ABSOLUTE . Absolute Intelligence the SELF or SOURCE

is that of Absolute stillness zero motion . When we seek to divine the nature of 

motional LIFE and this relative universe which is in perpetual motion we have to 

look deep within the matrix and there we find STILLNESS. Divining the nature of

reality is in the understanding of our inner divine SELF,  because in our core matrix

of being "WE"  are "REALITY"  clad in motional KOSHIC sheaths. Within our

core of BEING  we are all motionless and omnipresent . To find the WISDOM  of the

WORD which will reveal the full nature of what reality actually is We need to be able

to distinguish  the difference between relative reality,  which changes and has motion, to

that of Absolute Reality which never changes and has zero motion and is omnipresent

and ubiquitous. In essence all life melds back into being ABSOLUTE eternal reality.

warmest regards michael any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

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