Friday 27 September 2024



This blog today entitled MOMENT is about looking into the inner core of the MATRIX

of what is ESSENCE of MANKIND? What in MANKIND?   "WE" are eight billion 

elemental biological machines, that call ourselves mankind or that of humanity. When

we look into the source of these elemental biological machines what do we find?

"WE" find an enfolding NUMEN that animates the physical vehicle, this begs the

question of what exactly is an enfolding NUMEN?  NUMEN is a LATIN word for

"Divinity" or "Divine Presence" which means that every human being has at its core

matrix a Divine Spirit essence. The truth of what we are is that we are all a NUMEN

Presence which enfolds and wraps around its essence , coverings which are called

KOSHIC SHEATHS . There are five KOSHIC sheaths that are the full presentation 

sequence of each single human being . Five dimensional layers of differing densities

as the package descends downwards into physical material density. Remember that 

the name mankind and humanity are only "LABELS" that refer to just 1% of the

full presentation package that Absolute Spirit NUMEN needs  to become materialized

into this gross dense physical dimension. What "WE" really are is a two fold conundrum

outwardly we are all embodied by intelligent elemental energy of earth, air, fire, water, and

Ethereal essence, and at the core matrix of expression "WE" are all pure spirit NUMEN

Inwardly "we" are all eternal unborn spirit , and outwardly we are all relative biological

machines which will all die (change venues), but "WE" never die , we change venues at

physical death and move back into the astral realm from where we came from before this

present incarnation.

warmest regards michael any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends thanks.

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