Tuesday 17 September 2024



This blog today entitled SPORES is about detailing the process of how life 

becomes expressed within this universe, and also revealing that hidden nature of

the ABSOLUTE SELF(GOD)  is revealing within the law of evolution in which

LIFE (SELF BECOMING EXPRESSED) is in truth  SPORES of Divinity, facets

of the one ABSOLUTE  MIND, being seeded into "spores of self" into all the 

expressions  of life revealed within  this universe. The SELF in its Absolute eternal 

point of BEING,  which is infinite, intangible, intelligence, cannot  experience anything

in its absolute stateless state. Therefore the SELF becomes relative as a "living spore

package" in order to become a relative living entity. Humanity which it at the APEX

POINT of our evolutionary journey and have all  SELF AWARENESS I AM BEINGS

are all at the point where we can begin to understand this process of SPIRIT  being

expressed  as a life form entity, in our case human beings. Each human being is enclosed

within a massive electromagnetic field of undulating energy which is a double toroidal

field of  magnetic force and at the centre of this living field of intelligent energy which

is in the right side of our chest area , which is the place of out HEART CHAKRA  lies

the Singularity point of reference  which is our direct connection to Divine SPIRIT this

singularity point of reference in the middle of this electromagnetic field of a double torus

is the DIVINE "ATOM"  that holds us all safe in its infinite embrace. All life humanity

included are all fully connected to the SOURCE of all life, which is that of Absolute SELF

the eternal unborn SPIRIT of ALL THAT IS. LIFE is an infinite ocean of Divine SPORES

which all seek out experiences al over this universe. Humanity is beginning to awaken from

a long slumber into beginning to seek out answers about our true inner Divine IDENTITY.

warmest regards michael

kirkpatrickmichael17@gmail.com any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends thanks.

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