Sunday 29 September 2024



Today in part two of ARTS will lay out the infinite nature of the Astral universe

and bring into play the nature of universal life. There is an infinite diversity of

life all over this universe . And these living beings who live all over this universe

also have a limited life span, and so when they die (they too change venues). So 

that the astral universe has an infinite amount of diverse life forms that also along

with humanity are residents in the astral realms, and when conditions permit we 

can and do meet up with these other entities. The next thing is that every human being 

on this planet visits the astral realm while asleep every night. Although most of us 

forget these visitations on awakening. In truth we "DIE" each night and are reborn

every morning. "sleep is called the first cousin of death" . Divine intelligence has 

decreed that we rehearse this passing each night, so that we become accustomed 

to the astral realms by the time we do really die (change venues) The astral realms

are only holding areas in between each incarnation . It is only on this dense physical

plane that we can make any real progress in SELF KNOWING and understanding our

inner true nature. INTEGRITY  which means "INNER SELF TRUTH" can only be

fully awakened here on EARTH. It is impossible to lie and deceive others  in the astral

realms, because if you tried it would immediately show up in your AURA  which in the

astral realms is clearly visible to everyone, any type of deception would be clearly seen

in the electromagnetic spectrum of your aura. But here on Earth we can cheat and lie

and imagine  that we can get away with it, which is untrue in the long run., we all suffer

or rejoice at the consequences of our actions. INTEGRITY is only fully awakened  here

on EARTH  only by living experiencing , we become honest with ourselves and to others

because our inner truth reveal this to us plainly through our daily lives, it reveals our

inner connection to all of humanity, it reveals we are all spiritual beings upon a pathway

that will eventually fully reveal our Divine inner SPIRIT TRUTH. and our immortal


warmest regards michael any feedback welcomed facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family  and friends Thanks

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