Sunday 1 September 2024



This blog today entitled FOES is about presenting the sequence that produces life

within an embodied format  upon this planet Earth. To do this we must first become

aware that 99%  of our full life presentation package is completely invisible to us

all. We only "SEE" 1% of the full presentation package , even this is rather vague

because we only see the physical body vehicle , but are completely and totally unaware

of the invisible Electromagnetic Field which is a TORIODAL field of undulating

intelligent energy , and at the centre point of this TORUS Field which in our case is

the heart chakra which is centred in the middle of our chest area, the torus field 

closes to a Singularity point of reference . This reference point is the DIVINE ATOM

which resides within your heart chakra . This Divine ATOM is your connection to the

SOURCE  of all BEING the ABSOLUTE SELF. 99% of our full presentation package

is invisible . We are presented within five layers of dimensional densities which ferry 

down the Spirit life principle through from the higher BLISS level dimension down to

the most dense gross dimension which is the physical body. We have a total of five levels

or bodies of expression Bliss body which is the highest , wisdom body, mental body, astral

body, physical body,. That is our five bodied package, we are all presented within. These

five layers can be seen by some sensitives or mediums, which show up in our AURAS, 

the aura is an electromagnetic field of living LIGHT  energy. FOES is about realizing the

journey that we move through to become a HUMAN BEING  here on planet EARTH.

warmest regards michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook soul Realization.

If this blog resonates witin you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

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